Have Big Goals - Daily Inspiratio​n - Daily Quotes

Believe in yourself. Dream big dreams. Set important goals. Take action on those goals. Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Monday 12 December 2011

Here is the full version of the presentation 'What's your attitude?' It was published in July but it should be refreshed.

Phonetic Symbols

This web page is for people interested in learning the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols. This is a useful skill for learners and teachers of English who may want to check the pronunciation of a word in a dictionary. Use the phonetic chart to learn the sounds of English. Then do a quiz to see how well you have learnt them.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Useful Links for Unit 2 and our project Family Issues

Section 3. What makes a family happy? - Что делает жизнь в семье счастливой и радостной? Что советуют психологи, как улучшить отношения в семье и сделать семью счастливой?
— several comments on what makes a family happy
— 8 strengths of a strong and happy family according to researches of Australian psychologists
– how to improve family relations
– 5 rules that can improve relationships and make a family happier
– a guide to improving relationships in a family
— some tips on how to build a happy family
- 10 building blocks for a happy family
— 4 keys to building a happy family

Section 4.Family disagreements -
Каковы основные конфликты в семье, которые наиболее часто случаются?
Какие основные проблемы существуют у подростков в семье и школе? Как эти проблемы взаимосвязаны? Какие проблемы взаимоотношений существуют между родителями и подростками? Какие самые распространенные претензии родителей по отношению к детям и наоборот?
Какие советы и рекомендации дают психологи подросткам и их родителям, чтобы избежать проблем в семье и как с ними справиться, если они есть? Где найти советы для родителей и подростков как сделать жизнь в семье счастливой и радостной? Где найти советы психолога, как разрешать конфликты родителей и детей?
Должны ли родители вмешиваться в отношения подростка и его друзей? Где прочитать истории подростков об их проблемах в отношениях с родителями?
— all about family conflicts
— an article about family conflicts and how to cope with them
— common causes of family tensions and disagreements, learn how to resolve family conflict over parent care, and why it's important
- this short article explains why teens have arguments with their parents so often and what reasons for these arguments are
- this article explains the benefits of talking with parents and other adults about everyday difficult problems and situations to teenagers
— a mother seeks advice on her child's problem, and the ensuing recommendations from a guide to teens’ parents
- a website dedicated to most frequent teenage problems in the USA, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia
- a short article on how teen stress at home lingers in school
— some information about how teens’ problems at home and at school make them feel stressed
- an article on how the relationship between teens and their parents is changed when they struggle to define their own roles in life
— information about how teenagers appreciate relationships with their parents
— an article about the relationships between parents and children in US
- information about the relationships of teenagers and their parents in Canada
– some tips for parents on how to train their children to do chores with pleasure
- a modern information source for kids and parents to help make family time happy
— tips for teenagers on how to overcome problems at school and at home
- advice for improving the relationship between parents and teens
— some strategies for parents on how to strengthen the relationships between them and their children
—advice on how to rebuild trust between parents and teens
— some recommendations for teens on how to improve their life by improving relationship with parents
- 9 tips to improve a child's relationship with the parents
— an article on how parents should treat their teen's friends
— useful information and advice for teens on how to maintain good relations with friends and family
— teens’ interview on whether friends are more important for them than family
— information for parents about why friends are so important for teens
— an article on how parents can help their teens choose good friends
- tips for parents on how to enter into good relations with a teen and his/her friends
- a teenager from Malaysia tells about a difficult relationship with the parents
- a teenager’s question to a psychologist why his parents hate him and the doctor's advice
— a 13-year-old girl from the USA tells how her parents don't understand her and gets the readers' advice

Saturday 10 December 2011

Here Are Tools For Bloggers


Author Stream You can store private presentations upto 500 MB for free, and share them with your contacts , embed them in your blogs or keep them private.

Pics4Learning is a copyright-friendly image library for teachers and students

Fotobable add your voice to photos

Mixbook lets you create cuxtomizable photo books on the web for free.

Voki is a free service that allows you to create a personalized speaking avatars and use them in your blogs.

Glitter Graphics embeddable graphics, glitter text, animated backgrounds and more.Very attractive for kids.

ZLearn excellent blog post where you will find nearly 200 free online learning tools.

Wondersay animate a short text for a blog, wiki or to send your students a cool message- WONDERSAY helps you create the animation and then embed it or share it via twitter or facebook .

Chirbit is free and easy. You can record, upload, and share audio easily.You can also share audio with your friends on Twitter and Facebook with our short urls.

Voz Me is a simple online application which converts a block of typed text into an accompanying sound file (mp3). To use VozMe, all you need to do is type or cut and paste text into the provided text block and click "generate mp3".

Smile box!make one-of-a-kind creations with your photos and videos.

NEAVE GAMES embeddable popular games: Simon, Grogger, and more.

Image Chef presentation maker. Registration is needed.

WallWisher is an online notice board marker. Click HERE for a tutorial.

MOONK Show photos, videos and MP3's on your blog

Photopeach is an innovative platform where people can create, collaborate, and publish multimedia content on the World Wide Web.

Web 2.0 : Tools for Schools is a wiki where you will find tons of tools to use at the computer room.

The Quote of the Day

Internet Lesson

Другие видеоуроки по школьной программе смотрите на InternetUrok.ru

Thursday 8 December 2011

Roots and Wings

Good parents give their children roots and wings. Roots to know where home is, wings to fly away and exercise what’s been taught them. — Jonas Salk
When my first child was born a friend gave me a framed print with an inscription based on the Salk quote: Give your children roots and wings.
Now three decades later, I realize that giving them roots was the easy part. Letting go—giving them wings to fly away—seems considerably more difficult. Many of us baby boomer parents find it hard to completely let go. Indeed that was the inspiration for mothering 21.com: Parenting never ends but obviously you have to stop holding their hands at some point. Separation issues are nothing new; remember nursery school? Yet some of us still struggle with letting our adult children lead fully independent lives, without our constant advice, opinions and suggestions!
Some insights were offered in a recent blog post with an academic title, “Parenting after the adolescent becomes adult.” Dr. Carl Pickhardt, who wrote the post, has impressive credentials. He is the author of 13 books on parenting and the father of four adult children. Dr. Pickhardt’s advice on how parents can fully separate from their adult children is not sugar-coated:
No matter how grown up, how much older they become, these adult offspring forever remain your children just as you forever remain their parent. And the relationship is always challenging because, like the rest of life, parenting demands constant change and accommodation.
What makes this accommodation hard for parents are several adjustments they must make: to tolerance, to reversal, and to demotion.
Tolerance? Reversal? Demotion? That felt like a slap in the face with the admonition: Snap out of it parent! What was Dr. Pickhardt thinking? We phoned him in Austin, Texas where he has a private practice that includes adult children and their parents, and chatted for an hour. He was empathetic and reassuring. His message: Parents need to let their adult children assert their independence and to love and accept them as individuals, not as mini-me!
Letting go doesn’t mean that our adult children no longer need us. Parents need to remember their “primal role,” Dr. Pickhardt said. Just as a little child wants to share every accomplishment, most adult children crave parental attention and approval. As he wrote in his blog post:
So when parents continue their roles as emotional supporter, as rapt audience, and as tireless cheerleader, what they have to offer their adult children never goes out of style, never loses lasting value.
That makes the separation sound less depressing. Still, the words—tolerance, reversal, demotion—needed some explanation and Dr. Pickhardt kindly obliged with so many excellent insights that the post will be in two parts: this week and next.
Why tolerance, reversal and demotion? Sounds like I just got downsized from my parenting job.
The hardest art of parenting is letting, especially when you worked so hard and invested so much. Those adjustments of tolerance, reversal and demotion are the different ways parents have to let go to be able to embrace their adult child and accept their independence.
Let’s start with tolerance. You make a frightening analogy: Just as we baby boomers must learn to be tolerant of our own aging parents, our adult children must become tolerant of us. Are we really that difficult?
Of course we never think that we can be difficult. If something is the matter, we believe that we’re okay and the other person is not. The adult child needs to accept the idea that “I am not going to change my parent and my parent is not going to change me.” The parent needs to accept that too. For example, a parent may need to accept that “My adult child has always argued with me, will continue to argue and will probably never not argue.”
Accepting your child’s argumentative personality is one thing, but what about other choices: work, lifestyle, partner, religious differences, goals in life?
Parents need to let adult children makes their own decisions and accept those decisions. Tolerance means acceptance and the opposite of acceptance is rejection, and that does relationship between parent and adult child no favors. The goal is to learn to love the differences and to see you adult child as a whole person. As the poet Rainer Maria Rilke put it: “to see the other whole against the sky.”

Discussion On Family Issues

We discussed the quote "Good parents mustgive their children 2 things:roots and wings". Here you'll find more information for your articles on this topic.

Quote Of The Day

What can you do to promote world peace?
Go home and love your family.
- Mother Teresa

Here is a lot of practice on Conditionals

One more site for developing grammar skills

It offers free practice for students of different ages and levels.


Here is a lot of practice on Conditionals.

Thursday 17 November 2011

The Quote of the Day

Tour the Plimoth Plantation

This is the third of three tours for today.

Tour the Wampanoag Homesite

Here is another tour.

A Virtual Tour on Thanksgiving Day

Learn more about Thanksgiving Day . Tour the Pilgrim Village.
Bring the real story of Thanksgiving to life with these three virtual field trips to Plimoth Plantation:
  • Get a behind-the-scenes look at the simple but arduous life of the Pilgrims.
  • Witness the day-to-day life of the indigenous people who were part of the Wampanoag Nation and see their resourceful solutions to everyday challenges.
  • Join the Pilgrims and Wampanoag as they discuss together their lives, collaboration, and the first Thanksgiving.
Read letters from Pilgrim and Wampanoag children »

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Family Values - How to instill family values

How does one define values or a value
A value could be defined as a belief or attitude that you hold close; something that you want to keep as a standard for judging yourself and the rest of the world. It is the basis for your sense of right and wrong, good or bad.

Writing Your Family's Value Statement

There's family values—that's a political agenda—and then there's your family's values, which are your family's personal beliefs and behavior guidelines. (In some cases, these two kinds of family values may be the same thing. In most, they will not be.)

American Family Traditions

Great Nations survive only if the strength and will of the people who formed the Nation are preserved by future Generations.

Creating Family Traditions

It is so important to have traditions. They are part of the glue that holds families together. Read this article and join our discussion on  the topic.

Quote Of The Day

There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein

Monday 7 November 2011

Dinner Time Family Conversations

Family dinners can be made more exciting and relaxing if one knows how to start and carry on conversations. Read on to know about dinner time family conversations.

Important Values To Teach Children

It is easy to teach children to develop virtues. Read the article below to learn more on the various values that must be taught to kids.

What Is Important For Families

Read this article and join the discussion.

How to Deal With Difficult Family Members

Read this article. Be ready to discuss it.

Support Our Families

Support Our Families
Support Our Families

Press the cross and study Family Values

Photos of the Lesson on Family Issues in Class 10 (2009)

Dear students,
You are going to be involved in the project 'Family Issues'. Unit 2 is about it. Here are some pictures how we did it in 2009.

Family Issues Lesson on PhotoPeach

Sunday 23 October 2011

Useful Links for Unit 1 Section 4

Section 4. Where words fail... - Какие музыкальные жанры существуют? Кто из музыкантов является самыми популярными в тех или иных жанрах? Где прочитать рассказ, эссе о любимом исполнителе, музыкальной группе, музыкальном жанре? Как музыка влияет на жизнь людей? Где найти музыку гимнов разных стран?
- encyclopaedia entry about music genres
— lists of music genres and styles with links to their descriptions
- learn about different musical genres including rock, Celtic, classical, and more all with artist and site links
- different styles and music genres explained and explored
- biographical information on some of the most famous classical musicians
- a website dedicated to classical music - the most popular and famous - from movies, TV shows, commercials, cartoons, video games and ringtones
– brief information about famous jazz musicians
– information about famous jazz singers and entertainers
- encyclopaedia entry about rock music
– the most famous rock musicians
– a collection of profiles of famous pop singers and bands
– several short essays by American schoolchildren about their favourite singers
– a story on “My favourite music”
- an essay on “My favourite piece of music”
– one more essay on “My favourite music”
– a collection of articles about the importance of music in our lives
– a sample of essay on “Music in my life”
– an essay on what music's important influence on teenagers
– an opinion about whether music has a positive influence on our life
– a research paper on Music and its influence
– how music affects our thoughts and feelings
– an interesting article on how listening to music influences English language teaching, learning and everyday life
– world’s anthems